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東區,完蒐職人路線!A Complete Guide to Eastern District Pros!


Could it be that devotion is just not something that thrives in the East District, with shop owners who specialize in one specialize craft a rare find? Fortunately, Mapper has uncovered a few expert artisans in the East District, and the word uncovered is used here because most of them are hidden in narrow alleyways, basements, or residential areas. Though dwelling in solitary states, they all seem to exude a sense of dynamic strength. The businesses run by these experts are dictated by their skills and not how fancy their shops appear.


★Barista Day|The Lobby of Simple Kaffa


(photo by The Lobby of Simple Kaffa)

★Tattoo Artist Day|Needle NO.8 入墨紋身

電影《一代宗師》裡,白玫瑰理髮廳的師傅一字排開,看似文質彬彬,但卻讓人不敢造次, Needle NO.8 Tatto 入墨紋身也是這樣,給人安心感與微微緊張感的衝突感受。然而,在這裡刺青 其實可以放寬心,因為阿本認為刺青該提供給顧客四個 H — Humanity、Happiness、Honor、 Humor,而他也把 4H 刺在自己的下唇內側。(photo by Adriana S.)

★Sushi Chef Day|のむら 野村鮨

在壽司的世界裡,每處小節都是光陰。能夠踏上料理台,和食材對決,為客人親手捏製壽司的料理 長,必須歷經嚴峻的訓練,是十年磨一劍的苦功換來的。從進貨、刀工、摸透食材特性、在方寸間 展現時令的海洋風味,是壽司職人不懈的追求。(photo by 柔藍食單)

★Bartender Day|Trio Original

安和路側巷深藏許多酒吧小食,堪稱上班族回家最後一哩路。其中亮點酒吧 Trio Original,因為三家分店風格各有特色,營業之初索性放棄酒單。「如果懂酒,就不需要酒單;如果不懂酒,有酒單也 派不上用場。」當家酒保 Cody 如是說。(photo by 三重奏Trio -William's Works)

★DJ Day|Room18

DJ 的專注力不亞於急診室手術房的外科醫生,「隨時備好下一曲」,是整場 non-stop 演出的高張力寫照。DJ ,”Disc Jockey”的縮寫,是一位「駕馭唱片的騎士」,看似搖滾,其實詩意;成為騎士是每一個中古男孩的夢想,成為 DJ 則是重度樂迷一輩子的挑戰。(photo by Room18)

★Baker Day|雨人麵包餐館

麵包師傅的一生懸命,在麵粉、酵母、水、鹽四大元 素間變化大千的口味方程式,為麵糰帶來個性,為餐桌帶來喜訊。位於忠孝東路 553 靜巷中的雨人麵包餐館,是台北少見以麵包作為主食的餐館,老闆與麵包主廚陳 宇仁先生從青少年的求學時期就開始對烘焙與甜點展開專業的探索。(photo by Rain man Boulangerie Bistro)

★Barista Day|The Lobby of Simple Kaffa

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” said Leonardo da Vinci. The sensibility and the excitement of coee reach beyond the cup. Not only is it an everyday energy booster, it is also a social binding agent. Inside each cup is an amazing demonstration of the barista’s sophistication and standards.(photo by The Lobby of Simple Kaffa)

★Tattoo Artist Day|Needle NO.8

His tattoos and his cool expression make it a bit intimidating meeting Needle No.8 Tattoo owner and tattoo artist Benjamin for the first time; however, his professionalism then gives people a comfortable assurance, and according to him, Humanity, Happiness, Honor, and Humor are the four elements that should be provided to anyone getting a tattoo. These 4H are, therefore, tattooed inside his lower lip.(photo by Adriana S.)

★Sushi Chef Day|Nomura Sushi

In the world of sushi, every little detail is a result of extensive devoted time. To be able to step behind the counter and become a head sushi chef is a long journey that requires 10 years of hard work and dedication. To bring out the fresh taste of the sea in every small bite is a lifelong pursuit of any professional sushi chef.(photo by 柔藍食單)

★Bartender Day|Trio Original

Many bars and eateries are nestled in the alleyways of Anhe Road, and the area is considered by many as the last mile home after a long hard day of work, and amongst the many bars on this street is Trio Original. The bar’s three partners each specializes in different styles of cocktails and decided to forgo the menu when they opened Trio. “A menu is not needed if you know about drinks, but if you don’t know, a menu will not be helpful either,” says the head bartender Cody.(photo by Trio -William's Works)

★DJ Day|Room18

​The level of focus required for a DJ is comparable to that of a surgeon, with the DJ always ready to cue in the next track while keeping up the vibe in the house.DJ, short for disc jockey, sounds pretty hardcore but is also rather poetic. To be a jockey is the dream of every medieval boy, and to be a disc jockey is the ultimate challenge for today’s diehard music lovers.(photo by Room18)

★Baker Day|Rain man Boulangerie Bistro

With flour, yeast, water, and salt, a bread maker is able to create a wide variety of flavors, with life breathed into the dough and joy brought onto the dinning table.Rain Man Boulangerie Bistro is located in the quiet 553 alley of Zhongxiao East Road. It is a rare restaurant in Taipei which focuses on bread. Owner and head bread maker Joe Chen embarked on his professional quest for baking and pastry making when he was only a teenager.(photo by Rain man Boulangerie Bistro)

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