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開賣啦,東區微笑路線!Check This Out! East District is Sure-to-Make-You-Smile!


Scientific studies define “smiling” as a psychological expression. Psychologists also believe that smiling is an ancient form of social behavior between people. Other studies have also shown that humans are the only animal on earth that consciously smiles. Smiling connects one’s mental state with physical action; it represents emotions and thoughts. It is a form of cognitive behavior, and to smile more is also believed to be a good exercise for the mind, body, and spirit.






★花美型微笑|瑪格莉特咖啡館→Papabubble→ Agnes b. CAFE → STAYREAL→BAPE



★極地型微笑|肯夢AVEDA→hc hair culture→森 CASA→斐瑟旗艦台北→CLUB DESIGNER



★服務本位型微笑|采采食茶文化→ 誠品敦南店→HARNN & THANN 涵庭→普諾麵包坊→Paul 保羅麵包沙龍



【East District, Making You Smile All Day Every Day】

After sorting through the different reasons that people have for coming to the East District, Mapper has organized the following unique “smiles” that you will probably encounter here. Come stroll through the East District and pick out your favorite kind of “smile”.

★Easy Peasy, No Muss, No Fuss|Du Hsiao Yueh danzhi noodles →Signature “Whistle”noodles→ Meijin Sichuan flavors →Jibin braised food

This type of smile is usually spotted in small eateries in the East District, with the proprietors also the owners of the real-estate properties that’’he shops are run in. The exchange between the shop owners and the patrons at these joints are always straight to the point: place your order, to-go or for here, and get your change back. Anyone being too fussy (no eggs in the egg crepe, no oysters in the oyster noodles, etc…) will sure get a cold stare from the boss. A simple compliment of “delicious” will win you a humble, earnest smile. A smile like this usually doesn’t come with any small talk. It is easy peasy, no muss, no fuss.

Insider Tip: Ordering and paying at these places may require some practice. Menus may not always be available and so are receipts. Efficiency is the game, so play it right and you will be rewarded with delicious delights.

★Très Chic, Très Hip|Marguerite Caf'e→ Papabubble→ Agnès b Cafe → STAYREAL→BAPE

Très chic, très hip, young and fab. This kind of smile is often spotted inside small boutiques nestled in the alleys of the East District, especially those with Korean fashion imports or items handpicked and brought back by the shop owners from overseas. These chic and hip ones often look like they’ve just stepped out of fashion magazines, with their smiles accompanied by the latest hairstyles, the perfect hue of highlights on their tresses, the right amount of smoky eye shadow, or lashes with mascara that could go on for days. Don’t be fooled though, because these fabulous ones are also quick and sharp. If you try to haggle, they can also play that game and reason with you while gazing deep into your soul through their mesmerizing circle lens adorned eyes.

Insider Tip: Stay calm and carry on. Don’t let their hipness push you head over heels. Remember, they are not your besties no matter how good the conversation may be. So, if something is really out of your budget and haggling is just out of the question, put it down and step away.

★High-end Fabulousity|Canmeng AVEDA→ hc hair culture→ Mori casa →Visavis Hair Design –Taipei Flagship→ CLUB DESIGNER

A sense of distance is purposely maintained at high-end flagship stores simply because of the services they provide. Those inside are sometimes like museum staffers and sometimes also like research fellows. They pay tremendous attention to the products they provide; sometimes even more than the time they spend on their clients. They are caught gazing deep into the products seemingly having a profound, soulful conversation with them. However, they are often tacit and straight to the point with customers. This type of high-end smile is like the sun in the North Pole. It is quite dazzling but not overly warm. The feeling it projects is faint and subtle, beautifully elusive.

Insider Tip: Regulars at these places are all insiders. So, please do some research before stepping in.

★Your Wish is My Command|Cha Cha Thé→ Eslite Dunnan Branch→ HARNN & THANN→ Pozzo Bakery→ Paul Bakery

Such confident smile is usually spotted on an experienced person working in the service industry, such as an electronic goods salesperson or a staff at a busy convenience store. They all have something up their sleeves that are unexpected and are quick and sharp, ready to satisfy your urgent needs. For example, for some last minute urgent trip to the store, a knowledgeable supermarket employee that knows the place like the back of his hand will surely cut your shopping time from one hour to 20 minutes by pointing you to the right aisles to fetch what you need.

Insider Tip: Customers that are clear about what they need bring out the best in these people. They are able to provide better services to you if you can tell them exactly what you are looking for. They might even be able to offer you customized options amidst all the massed produced items.

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